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Do you like Black Sabbath or Led Zepplin or maybe AC/DC if so than go and buy this right now. i mean it, right now. There is absolutely nothing original about this album, nothing, all of their chops and tricks have been taken directly from the pantheon of the hard rock gods. The only thing is that they haven't been done in a while, and maybe what everyone needs right now is this decades Masters of Reality. The fact remains that while this album may not be original it is fun to listen to. And for all you kids out there who's parents did not own any Sabbath or Zepplin perhaps this will do for you, and maybe even sound engagingly fresh. The song “Woman” is the stand out track for me on this record, it is plain and simple and rocks. And that is what this album is all about, 3 kids from australia playing hard rock simply and plainly. Fun but nothing fancy, brainless enjoyment for the masses who missed out on early ozzy. Oh, the album artwork is totally awesome. Cliche in the same way as the music, but awesome none the less.