My Local Fav

Album Title: 
The Big Sea
Band Name: 
Beat Radio
Release Year: 

Beat Radio is one of those little gems, that when you find it, you are excited to share it with someone, because you know other people will like them to. Their first LP, The Great Big Sea, released in 2007, does whatever a debut album should do. The songs are crafted to work off of one and other, and their melodies are just catchy enough to have you singing along with them when the chorus comes round for the second refrain.

Bordering in the realm somehwere between, folk, pop, alternative, indie, and electronic, Beat Radio provides a beautiful blend of ambient sounds and instruments. The bands front man, Brian Sendrowitz, gives nod to great Van Morrison in the his freeness of styles within each song.

My favorite part about Beat Radio is that they're not trying to prove anything. This is just music made by people who love to make music. IF you visit the Bands Blog, there are continuously new posts for New Demos or new tracks that are influencing. The Band is constantly writing, and working, and performing from time to time.

The album is available for FREE DOWNLOAD on their site, Or, you can always support local music and buy it from